About Us

We believe in a world where you have total freedom to be you, without judgement. To experiment, to express yourselves, to be brave and grab life as an extraordinary adventure it is.

So we ensure that everyone has an equal chance to discover all the amazing things they are capable of- no matter who they are, where they are from or what looks they like to boss. We exist to give you the confidence to be whoever you want to be.

Our Story

It all began during the pandemic in 2020. We were designing and exporting garments to the UK and European markets and we felt the need to focus on creating a brand that inspires our people to be themselves without any hesitation. People are very sceptical when it comes to wearing funky outfits. We create styles for everyone which will give you the confidence to be whoever you want to be.

Brand Ideology

The fashion industry is constantly evolving and the designs are capricious. The ideology is to provide the Gen Z and millenials with up to date designs for every occasion at affordable prices so that they as well are dressed according to the trend, be themselves, without any hefty damage to their pockets.